What is a bond?
A bond is a loan from an investor to a borrower such as a company or government. The borrower uses the money to fund its operations, and the investor receives interest on the investment.
Advantages of Having a Bond
- Receive an income through predictable interest payments
- Hold the bond to maturity and get all your principal back
- Profit if you resell the bond at a higher price
- Bonds are less risky than stocks
The NCB Financial Group Limited Bond Offer
NCB Financial Group Limited Bond is a fixed income product that allows for predictable returns, paid semi-annually. Bonds provide investors with the opportunity to diversify their portfolios and thereby increase earning potential.
Offer Details:
- Pays 6% p.a.
- Interest Paid Semi-Annually
- Matures in 3 Years
- Minimum Investment: J$100,000
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Why Invest in the NCBFG Bond?

- Investment Grade Credit. Rated Cari A+/Stable on a regional scale (local currency) and jmAAA /Stable on a national scale (local currency). This is reflective of its stable financial performance, strong market position, good governance, and maintenance of adequate capital buffers and liquidity
- The Offer has a coupon rate of 6.0% per annum, which is 150 basis points above similar tenured Government of Jamaica instruments.
- NCBFG has a strong regional presence in commercial banking, wealth management, and insurance.
- NCBFG is the financial holding company for National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited, Guardian Holdings Limited in Trinidad & Tobago, and Clarien Group Limited in Bermuda.
- Sustained financial performance is supported by diverse and resilient income streams.
- Financial stability, with good asset quality- The Group’s gross operating revenues expanded by a CAGR of 41% between FY16 and FY20, driven by acquisitions and loan growth.
About The NCB Financial Group
NCB Financial Group Limited was incorporated in April 2016 to be licensed under the Banking Services Act as the financial holding company for National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited (“NCBJ”). The Group is the largest and most profitable financial services group in Jamaica, with roots dating back to 1837. Through the bank (NCBJ) and the Group’s wealth management, life and general insurance, and offshore banking subsidiaries, the NCB Group provides a wide array of financial products and services to meet the needs of individual and business clients.
The NCB Group includes NCBJ, NCB Capital Markets Limited and its subsidiaries in Barbados and Cayman, NCB Insurance Agency and Fund Managers Limited, NCB (Cayman) Limited, Clarien Group Limited and its subsidiaries in Bermuda, Guardian Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries as well as NCB Merchant Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited in Trinidad and Tobago.
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