Investment Objectives

What is my investing style?

Conservative Investor 

Under no circumstances could you live with losing any of your principal invested. You are quite comfortable with knowing that each month your money earns a fixed rate of interest so low risk investments are your best friends.

Moderate Investor

You like a little risk mixed in with a great deal of safety because you understand that some risk drives your portfolio to greater returns. If the stock market moves down a little, it may bother you somewhat, but at least you can rely on your fixed deposits to balance out the effects and keep your money growing. If the stock market moves up, you get the benefit of fantastic returns with the safety blanket of fixed income.

Aggressive Investor

You want the maximum return for each dollar invested. Stocks of all types are your cup of tea because when the market moves up, you know that your returns will outstrip any other investment by leaps and bounds. You won’t lose sleep if the market moves down because you have invested for the long term and believe you can recover from any losses experienced.

Determine your Net Worth

Step 1: Determine your Assets

  • Cash - This includes funds held in current accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, treasury bills, fixed deposits, and the cash value of life insurance policies.
  • Investment accounts such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds held. For overseas-based clients include annuities and 401(k) accounts.
  • Personal Assets - These include antiques, art, motor vehicles, boats and state of the art electronic equipment.
  • Real Estate - This includes your home and other properties held for resale or rental.
  • Business Interests - This consists of your primary business, silent partnerships or loans made to other businesses.
  • Any other source of wealth

Step 2: Determine Your Liabilities

  • Short term debt - These are your current bills including rent, outstanding credit card balances, personal loans payable in less than three years, income and real estate taxes and insurance. Even if you pay off your credit card statement each month, include this figure in your calculations.
  • Long term debt - Your mortgage and other loans that become due over a period of more than three years.

Step 3: Calculate your net worth


Now you know where you are on your road map. How far are you from your objectives?