NCB CAPFunds Details
iO Fund | JMD High Yield Asset and Loans Portfolio - Income Optimizer Fund
Invest in a portfolio with moderate risk that allows access to a wider pool of high yielding JMD assets managed to provide you with higher returns.
Our NCB CAP Income Optimizer Fund invests in medium-to-long term JMD denominated corporate debt instruments and loans and is tailored for investors who have a moderate to aggressive risk profile. The CAP iO Fund is ideal for the goal driven investors who are targeting medium term investment objectives, such as; higher education or home acquisition. This is the first fund in NCB Capital Markets Non-Diversified Unit Trust Scheme.
M Fund | JMD Money Market Portfolio
Invest in a fund with relatively low risk. Enjoy access to your money when you need it while still earning attractive returns.
Our NCB CAP M Fund invests in short term fixed income government securities and commercial paper. The CAP M Fund is for the conservative investor or to meet your short term liquidity needs. Invest in the Cap M Fund and enjoy access to your money, relatively low risk while still earning attractive returns.
E Fund | NCB Caribbean Equity Portfolio
A diversified portfolio of local and regional stocks managed with the objective of providing you with long term capital growth.
Our NCB CAP E Fund comprises carefully selected local and regional stocks managed with the view to provide you with capital appreciation and enhanced returns over the long run. Invest in the Equity Fund and diversify your portfolio while benefitting from our investment expertise. Start with a minimum of J$50,000 today.
xM Fund | USD Money Market Portfolio
Invests primarily in US dollar denominated short-term money market and other interest bearing instruments such as reverse repurchase agreements, commercial paper and investment grade obligations of sovereigns and companies globally.
Our xM Fund is for conservative investors with low risk tolerance who are seeking to invest pending a longer term investment decision and whose primary concern is security of principal.
x B Fund | USD Bond Portfolio
Invests primarily in medium to long term fixed income securities. The investment objective is to maximize total return in US dollars and provide capital appreciation.
Our xB Fund is for investors who have a moderate to aggressive risk profile and are willing to accept moderate to high fluctuations in unit prices over the short term.
Take advantage of our monthly facility NCB CAPFactor. Click here for more details.