Victoria Mutual Investments Ltd (VMIL) reports 9.15% increase in profit for 2017
- For the year ended December 31, 2017, Victoria Mutual Investment Limited reported net profit of $346Mn, a 9.15% increase relative to the $317Mn earned a year prior.
- This growth resulted primarily from a 92% increase in fees earned from Capital Market activities and a 64% increase in Asset Management fee income.
- The company reported significant growth in Assets during the period, with an on-balance sheet and off-balance assets growing by 23% and 30%, respectively. The majority of off-balance sheet asset growth resulted from the introduction of our suite of Unit Trust products introduced in 2016.
- Revenue Generation through fee income remains a key strategic priority and the company aims to aggressively increase assets under management and advance their Capital Markets business.
Source: VMIL Financial Report