Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd. (JPS) Signs Gas Agreement With New Fortress Energy

Jamaica’s energy company, JPS, announced that it has signed an agreement with New Fortress Energy for the supply of gas to Jamaica, after receiving approvals from the Jamaican Government and the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR). Under the agreement, US-based New Fortress Energy will provide JPS with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for its 120-megawatt power plant in Western Jamaica, at Bogue, Montego Bay. The plant, which was first commissioned into service in 2003, is being converted to run on gas instead of Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO). The signing of the gas supply agreement has set the stage for work to begin on the infrastructure needed for the delivery of gas to Bogue by early 2016.

New Fortress Energy is part of Fortress Investment Group, a highly diversified global asset firm with approximately US$72 billion assets under management, and, together with its affiliates, has a long history of owning and operating energy, transportation, infrastructureoriented assets throughout the world. New Fortress Energy supplies energy, logistical services, and financing to end-users seeking to convert their operating assets from diesel or heavy fuel oil to natural gas fuel use in order to reduce operating costs, increase equipment availability, and enhance their environmental stewardship.