T&T Stock Exchange (TTSE) profit rises to $14.9m for 2018
- The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE) announced improved results in the financial performance of the TTSE and its subsidiary, the Trinidad and Tobago Central Depository (TTCD), for the year ended December 31, 2018.
- The Group recorded net profit after tax of $14.9Mn in 2018, an increase of 275% over the previous year of $4Mn. This was attributed to certain one-off transactions, followed by stronger performance in the value of trades for the year which increased by 11.7% to $1.3Bn.
- During 2018, the TTSE saw its largest corporate bond listing totaling $4Bn from the National Investment Fund Holding Company Ltd (NIFHCL). It also welcomed its first listing in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Sector, an area of growth it will be giving particular attention to in the coming months.
(Source: Trinidad Express)