Resilience drove Dominican Republic 5.7% GDP growth in Q1
- Central Banker Héctor Valdez Albizu, said Dominican Republic’s GDP grew 5.7% during the January-March 2019 period. In 2018, the country saw GDP grow 7.0% while inflation lagged at 1.17%. This compares well with the 6.3% average annual growth in GDP for the period 2013-2018 which saw inflation averaging circa 2.48% annually.
- Construction (+12.5%), Energy and Water (+11.7%), Financial Intermediation (+9.5%), Mining (+6.3%), Transport and Storage (+6.2%), Public Administration (+5.7%), Hotels, Bars and Restaurants (+5.0%), and Other Services (+5.2%), were the sectors with the highest growth for that period
- Valdez said that despite having faced an increasingly complex international environment, “the Dominican Republic has managed to remain a leader in economic performance in Latin America, based on the strength of its macroeconomic foundations”.
(Source: Dominican Today)