JSE Junior Market Booming

  • State Minister for Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green, says the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) Junior Market has recorded significant gains over the 10 years since its establishment.
  • He noted that the market has grown from one company listing with capitalization of $750Mn, to some 43 entities that have generated approximately $135Bn in capital.
  • In addition, he noted that major increases have been recorded for contributions to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) from $200Mn to $500Mn over the decade; National Insurance Scheme (NIS) up 148%; National Housing Trust (NHT) up 137%; and General Consumption Tax (GCT) up 940%.
  • The Junior Market, established in 2009, facilitates investments in legitimate small and medium-sized companies, whose shares trade on a special JSE platform, which enables the listed entities to raise capital, thereby positioning them to contribute to Jamaica’s economic growth and development.

 (Source: JIS)