Mayberry Investments Limited Increases its holdings in Lasco Financial to 20%

Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) announced that it has increased its holdings in Lasco Financial Services (LASF) to 20%. In a transaction completed this morning, Mayberry increased its number of shares in LASF to 245,620,598 or 20% of the total shares in issue.

Hon. Lascelles Chin, Chairman of the Lasco Affiliated Companies, welcomes the partnership with Mayberry and looks forward to the opportunity for growth that it will present. "We are delighted to be partnering with Mayberry, a formidable company in the financial industry. They have an excellent track record in helping companies develop to their maximum potential, and we expect no less from them with this partnership. This is one of the many exciting reasons for this partnership".
According to Mayberry CEO, Gary Peart, “In Lascelles Chin and LASF, we’ve identified a partner that shares not only our core values, but also our strong work ethic and commitment to unlocking the financial potential of businesses”.
LASF started operations in 2004 as a Licensed Cambio Service Provider and Remittance Service Provider. The company, which is managed by Jacinth Hall-Tracey, has now expanded its suite of offerings to include loans, bill payments and courier services. It was recently recognised as the MoneyGram Agent of the Year for the Caribbean.
Peart, along with Mayberry executive chairman, Christopher Berry, will be appointed to the LASF Board of Directors.
Mayberry, celebrating its 30th year in operation, posted a net profit of $726 million for its 2014 financial year. The company is a full service financial advisory and brokerage firm whose offerings include asset management, stocks and bonds trading, cambio and investment banking services.