LIME (CWC) / FLOW Merger Brand Names

Following the completion of the merger of CWC and Columbus International on 31 March 2015, we are pleased to announce that in those markets where we have received the necessary regulatory approval, we will be introducing our new corporate and consumer-facing brands for the combined group, which will be rolled out in the coming months.

  • A refreshed “FLOW” will be unified consumer-facing brand throughout the Caribbean replacing the former LIME/FLOW brand names
  • “C&W Networks” will be the brand representing the wholesale submarine and terrestrial fibre optic cables of the former Columbus Networks/JVCO business
  • “C&W” Business” will be the business-facing brand across the whole company, replacing the former C&W Business Solutions, Columbus Business Solutions and Sonitel brands.
The Cable & Wireless and Columbus Jamaica companies continue to be separately accounted for and incorporated at this time. Accordingly, Cable & Wireless Jamaica Limited will continue to comply with our listing obligations set out by the Jamaica Stock.