Jamaica records -0.3% Inflation for March 2020
- The All Jamaica Consumer Price Index recorded a negative movement of 0.3% for March 2020.The main contributor to this movement in March was the 1.8% reduction in the index for the ‘Housing, Water, and Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ division. This movement was due to lower rates for electricity which resulted in a 3.7% fall in the group ‘Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’.
- However, higher water rates tempered the downward movement of the index for the division as reported in the 1.7% increase in the group ‘Water Supply and Miscellaneous Services Related to the Dwelling’.
- The heaviest weighted division ‘Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages’ also recorded a decline in its index, falling 0.2%. The overall rate of inflation was however moderated by a 0.5% increase in the index for the ‘Transport’ division, due mostly to higher petrol prices.
- For the review period, the point-to-point inflation was 4.8%, the fiscal year-to-date was 4.8% and the calendar year-to-date inflation rate was -0.7%.
(Source: STATIN)