Biden Presidency Would Seek More Measured And Multilateral Approach To China And Asia

  • Fitch Solutions anticipates that a Joe Biden presidency would take a more measured, multilateral approach towards confronting China and attempt to enlist democratic allies and parties whose interests align with the US in this respect. 
  • Biden would likely find building a counter-China ‘coalition’ a difficult process, given the economic clout Beijing wields in Asia, and he would be forced to consider an issue-by-issue approach to make it more palatable for Asian states to support his agenda.
  • The agency also expects greater US economic engagement with Asian nations should Biden become president, and believe that he would begin negotiations for the US to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, in a bid to reduce China’s economic influence over the region.
  • Meanwhile, it sees two scenarios for US policy towards Asia for a second Trump term, depending on whether Trump becomes status quo-oriented or continues to implement more dramatic changes to US foreign policy as part of his legacy.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)