Proven Investments Ltd. Additional Public Offer – Basis of Allocation
- PROVEN wishes to advise that further to the upsizing of the Additional Public Offer of ordinary shares to a maximum of 134,124,037 New Ordinary Shares, the Offer closed early on January 26, 2021, with applications totaling 154,231,234 Ordinary Shares, representing an oversubscription of US$4.3Mn.
- A total of 4,148 applications were received totaling just over US$34.5Mn. The Key Investor Pool in particular was oversubscribed by 51.22%.
- All applicants in the General and Existing Shareholder Pools received the full allotment of the shares purchased, while Key Investors received a partial allotment representing 70.75% of the subscription amount, rounded to the nearest share.
(Source: JSE)