Mexican President To Submit Plan To Reform Regulators, Government Watchdogs

  • Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday he plans to send initiatives to Congress aimed at carrying out administrative reforms of autonomous bodies, which he has criticized as unnecessary or lacking impartiality.
  • "We're going to continue transforming so that the government serves everyone, that it's a government of the people, for the people, with the people ... not a factional government only at the service of a minority," Lopez Obrador told a regular news conference as he set out his reform plan.
  • Lopez Obrador argues government watchdogs and regulators created under his predecessors are biased and cost money that would be better spent on social programs. He has suggested that some be absorbed by government agencies or ministries.
  • If enacted, these reforms will help to reduce government expenditure on public services and open up funds available for investment or growth purposes.

(Source: Reuters & NCBCM Research)