China Upbeat On Trade Talks With U.S., Says Both 'Seek Common Ground'

  • China hailed on Thursday the resumption of "normal discussions" with the United States on the trade and economic fronts, apparently keen to move beyond a trade war as it said both sides aimed to resolve issues pragmatically. 
  • China's Vice Premier Liu He, who has led trade negotiations with the United States, has held two video calls with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in a week, marking the first formal engagement between the two sides on trade and economic issues under the Biden administration. 
  • Both calls lasted about 50 minutes, commerce ministry spokesman Gao Feng told a regular news conference, adding that conversations started smoothly and Sino-U.S. trade, macro-economic situations and domestic policies were among the topics. 
  • The discussions aimed at solving various issues come after a period of strained relations between the world's two biggest economies, including a nearly two-year tit-for-tat trade war.

(Source: Reuters)