Senate Passes Bill To Formally Merge Functions Of AMC Under AIC
- The Senate has approved legislation to formally merge the functions of the Agricultural Marketing Corporation (AMC) under the Agro-Investment Corporation (AIC). The Bill seeks to formalize the relationship between the AIC and the AMC by amending the Agro-Investment Corporation Act to entrust the functions of the AMC to the AIC and repeal the Agricultural Marketing Corporation Act.
- The Bill also seeks to strengthen the effectiveness of the AIC by increasing its membership and diversifying the qualifications and skill sets of the members. A further increase in the functions of the AIC, including empowering the entity to mobilize and manage a pool of funds to be used to enhance the competitiveness of Jamaican agriculture in the domestic and global markets is also part of the objective of the bill.
- The Bill was led by Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. Leslie Campbell, who said the merger is consistent with the Government’s Public Sector Master Rationalization plan, which is aimed at creating a more efficient and effective public sector by merging public bodies that share synergies of functions and resources.
(Source: JIS)