PM Announces Protocols For Reopening Of Entertainment Sector

  • Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Andrew Holness on Tuesday (June 22) announced special measures for the reopening of the entertainment sector. The protocols were crafted by the Ministries of Health and Wellness, Local Government and Rural Development, and Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, working in tandem with industry practitioners. 
  • Holness, who was delivering a statement to the House of Representatives, said that at this stage, the Government is contemplating two categories of events – small events with no more than 100 persons in total, including organizers and support personnel, and large events of over 100 persons. 
  • Organizers of small events may make applications for permits as they normally would through their local authorities, who will work with them to ensure that the protocols are in place for a safe event. The municipal corporations have agreed to reduce the cost for permits and licences by 50%,” he said. 
  • For large events, such as stage shows, church conventions, conferences or crusades, festivals and related activities, organizers will be required to go through an additional layer of approval. “Organizers of large events must first send an application to the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport. The Ministry will review the application to see that it meets the requirements,” the Prime Minister indicated. 
  • This reopening will support increased demand for the goods and services produced by listed companies in this sector such as KLE Group, Palace Amusement etc, which should positively influence their top and bottom-line. Companies in other sectors, such as manufacturers and distributors of alcoholic beverages and party items should also realize an improvement in profitability. 
  • That being said, if social distancing protocols are not properly implemented and observed, there is an increased risk that it could influence another spike in cases and cause a re-tightening of restrictions.

(Source: JIS & NCBCM Research)