JSIF Approves Funding to Revise Community Tourism Policy and Facilitate Demand Study
- The Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) ll is being implemented by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund through a loan agreement from the World Bank valued at US$40.0Mn. The objectives of the project include enhanced access to markets and climate-resilient approaches for targeted beneficiaries.
- Managing Director of JSIF, Omar Sweeney, said the undertakings are critical in supporting community tourism development in the country, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the sector.
- Project Manager of REDI II, Kemeisha Batchan, has noted that the demand study will help to better position Jamaica internationally, regionally and locally based on the trends in demand. It will also assist in developing the types of products and experiences needed to be able to meet the various market tastes.
- Further, Dr. Henry, JSIF Chairman noted that there are myriad linkages and synergies that can be derived from a strengthened community tourism product, which leverages outputs and relationships with key industries.
Source: (JIS News)