Diners and Doctors Help UK Economy To Extend Recovery

  • Britain's economy grew by a faster-than-expected 1.0% in June, the first full month of indoor service for many hospitality firms, and also helped by the healthcare sector due to a rise in routine medical checkups after the pandemic. 
  • But the official data showed British gross domestic product remained 2.2% smaller than it was immediately before the pandemic struck the country, a reminder of the damage done by Britain's long coronavirus lockdowns last year. 
  • The month-on-month growth for the overall economy in June was stronger than an increase of 0.8% expected in a Reuters poll of economists. Britain's huge services sector led the way, growing by 1.5% in June. Healthcare contributed the most to growth, as family doctors saw more of their regular patients due to an easing of coronavirus precautions, the Office for National Statistics said. 
  • The International Monetary Fund expects Britain's economy to grow by 7% in 2021, the same as the United States, as it bounces back from last year's slump.

(Source: Reuters News)