JP Expands its Fresh Juice Interests in the Southern European Market
- Jamaica Producers Group Limited (‘JP’) announced its acquisition of a 50% interest in Co Beverage Lab, S.L. (CBL), effective September 1, 2021. JP is now the largest shareholder of CBL, a producer of fresh juice, based in Barcelona, Spain. According to Mr. Jeffrey Hall, Chief Executive Officer of JP: “The acquisition is directly in line with the stated strategic plan of Jamaica Producers Group Limited which includes the development of major new markets in Europe for fresh juice.”
- CBL serves a range of customers in Southern Europe and will target business opportunities in that market. JP currently operates A.L. Hoogesteger Fresh Specialist B.V. which is among the market leaders in fresh juice in Northern Europe and is JP’s largest business by revenues. Mr. Hall further stated: “CBL is a useful platform for growth. We believe it has the team and the facilities to benefit from JP’s larger established footprint and overall expertise in fresh juice.”
- This acquisition will help JP to expand its global footprint and grow its top and bottom-line to provide more value for investors.
(Source: JSE News)