Plans Advanced to Create Digital Tourism Experience
- Director of Tourism, Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), Donovan White recently revealed that the plans to create a digital experience for Jamaica’s tourism product are advanced.
- Digital experiences are based on the ability to convey real experiences virtually and to date, some 12 or 13 virtual tours of interesting places across Jamaica are now currently available at coupled with written content.
- The entirety of the planned digital experience is one that will take several evolutions, and one of the important aspects of the digital transformation is baked into the Minister’s vision of developing a Blue Ocean Strategy for Jamaica’s tourism. Blue Ocean is a model that allows for your strategy to go into places where your competition does not operate or will have a hard time catching up in the short term.
- As such, the JTB is working to have that kind of approach to its thinking and strategic modelling, and the digital transformation will form part of that experience. To date, Jamaica is still one of the few destinations that play in that space aggressively.
(Source: JIS)