Jamaica Reaches “One Million Vaccinated” Mark
- Minister of and Health Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, on Sunday, November 7, announced that almost three weeks ahead of target, Jamaica has administered one million COVID-19 vaccine doses.
- The Minister, who on Saturday was in Falmouth participating in a house-to-house vaccination tour, said he is heartened by the kind of response the Ministry has been getting from the vaccination blitzes, adding that this is certainly a step in the right direction.
- Reaching one million doses is a psychologically significant development and it shows that more Jamaicans are coming on board. This milestone indicates that probably 23% to 24% of the targeted population has been fully vaccinated and the government is now moving ahead to get as many persons vaccinated as possible in coming weeks.
- A key focus is the vaccination of children and the Ministry wants to appeal to parents and guardians to give as much support as possible, especially when the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine is administered to children, to try and get them back into the schools.
- The Minister also reiterated that following directives from the World Health Organization, booster shots (third doses) will be available for persons with serious illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other pre-existing medical conditions. This he said will be given to those who have had the two doses of the Astra Zeneca or Pfizer and in the case of the singular Johnson and Johnson one additional shot.
(Source: JIS News)