Health Ministry Begins Administration of Pfizer First Dose to Children
- Effective Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Jamaica began the administration of Pfizer first dose to children 12 years and older.
- The rollout will take place predominantly in schools and will help to facilitate the re-commencement of face-to-face learning in schools on a wider scale. The reopening will benefit numerous listed companies across the transportation, manufacturing and distribution sectors.
- Transjamaica Highway for instance should see an increase in motorist activity following the re-opening of schools as parents transport their kids to school. This should bolster the improvement in profitability witnessed thus far this financial year as revenues are currently up 15% for the nine-months ended September 2021, and the net loss of US$3.8Mn reported for the same period in 2020 has been transformed into a net profit of US$1.8Mn for the current year.
- Manufacturers and Distributors such as LASM, Wisynco, Purity and others should also realise an expansion in sales revenues and net profit as the demand from schools for snacks and beverages comes back on stream.
(Sources: JIS News & NCBCM Research)