NHT to Spend Record $57.7Bn on Housing Solutions
- The National Housing Trust (NHT) is slated to spend a record $57.7Bn to provide housing solutions this year. NHT Board Member, Nesta-Claire Hunter, said that the sum is the largest programmed expenditure in the entity’s 45-year history. It will mean construction of quality and affordable housing solutions at an even faster pace, with the possibility of even more Jamaicans being able to experience the joys of homeownership.
- Hunter also advised that the NHT has surpassed the minimum 23,000 housing starts that were targeted for delivery by March 2021. This year, NHT expects a further 8,500 housing solutions, and for the parish of St. Catherine, the second largest parish, there is another upcoming 3,984 housing solutions scheduled over the next three years.
- In addition to supporting the Jamaicans through modern, suitable, safe and functional buildings, these housing initiatives will help support economic recovery through the contribution it will make to the construction sector. Further, increased construction activity will help to bolster the revenue and bottom line of construction companies such as Caribbean Cement Company Ltd.
(Source: JIS News & NCBCM Research)