Jamaica Risk Summary

  • Structural weaknesses in Jamaica's economy are reflected in Fitch’s Short-Term Economic Risk Index (STERI) score of 53.1. This puts Jamaica in the bottom half of the 26 Caribbean countries for which Fitch compiled STERI scores. 
  • Investment policy has been poorly targeted and inefficient, presenting a headwind to economic growth, while vulnerability to external shocks, coupled with historically high levels of borrowing, has spurred two sovereign debt defaults since 2010. 
  • While the government has already greatly improved the situation under International Monetary Fund guidance, further progress is needed says, Fitch. In the short term, Jamaica faces a slow rebound as the tourism industry continues to regain momentum. The downturn in the sector has weakened US dollar inflows, exerting downward pressure on the value of the Jamaican dollar.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)