Major Increase In Food Production For Q4 2021

  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has reported a major increase in agricultural production for the last quarter of 2021. Preliminary estimates for domestic crop production for the October to December quarter of 2021 show an increase of 18.2% over the corresponding quarter of 2020, moving from 161,639 tonnes to 190,990 tonnes. 
  • Significant contributors to the increased production were condiments 12,755.7 tonnes (50.2%), fruits 16,123.8 tonnes (36.5%), and vegetables 67,498.5 tonnes (24.1%). Jamaica’s overall domestic crop production moved from 697,678.8 tonnes in 2020 to 770,456.2 tonnes in 2021, representing a 10.4% increase. This was reaped from 50,623.3 hectares, representing an 8.1% increase in the area reaped. 
  • Giving growth projections of the sector in the short term, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pearnel Charles Jr said indications from field production remain vibrant, and barring any unforeseen extreme weather conditions, the strong growth experienced in the last quarter will continue into the first quarter of 2022. 
  • Overall, an increase in food production throughout the year bodes well for players in the agricultural sector -especially those that supply hotel chain-, as demand from tourism is anticipated to return as the sector recovery gains further momentum in 2022.

(Source: JIS)