Prime Minister Confident That Agriculture Can Contribute 700Mn Dollars To Dominica’s Economy By 2030
- Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has expressed confidence in his government’s target of a $700Mn economic return from the agricultural sector within the next eight years.
- Currently, agriculture in Dominica contributes approximately $230Mn to the economy based on figures from the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB). However, Skerrit and his government plan to keep growing the sector to a level where it can triple that amount by 2030.
- The Prime Minister, who is also the Minister for Finance, disclosed that the government will assist those in the sector to increase their productive capacity and efficiency by incentivizing more women and young people to get involved in agriculture as a full-time profession.
- Skerrit also pledged, on behalf of his government, to help local farmers improve efficiency through the application of technology to include farm automation, digitalisation, and other more familiar methods such as hydroponics, crop rotation, and greenhouse technologies. He further announced that the government will continue its support of farmers through the provision of financial support, equipment, and supplies and the construction of farm access roads
(Source: Dominica News Online)