Turkey: Ukraine Grain Export Deal To Be Signed In Istanbul

  • Turkish officials say a deal on a U.N. plan to unblock the exports of Ukrainian grain amid the war and to allow Russia to export grain and fertilizers will be signed on Friday, July 22, 2022, in Istanbul.
  • This plan would enable Ukraine to export millions of tons of grain that have been stuck in its Black Sea ports — a move that could ease a global food crisis that has sent wheat and other grain prices soaring. At least 22Mn tons of grain are stuck there due to the war.
  • Last week, the sides met in Istanbul, reaching a tentative agreement on the plan. It foresees joint controls of ships as they leave and arrive at Black Sea ports, and a mechanism to ensure the safety of the transfer routes, Turkish officials said. A coordination center for the shipping of exports would be established in Istanbul and would include U.N., Turkish, Russian, and Ukrainian officials.

(Source: AP News)