JSE to Offer Special Stock Trading Workshop On Short-Selling
- The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) will start prepping the market for short-selling stocks by hosting a workshop on the topic on September 22, 2022.
- Global markets have offered shorting for a long time. The JSE now wants to introduce shorting to the local market, but highlights the importance of additional market education and training as the market evolves.
- Short selling is an advanced investment strategy that speculates on the decline in a stock price. Although it is not the typical way to make money on the stock market, investors can learn the reverse strategy to sell first, then buy to close the trade, which opens their investments to a whole different side of the market to bank higher profits.
- The workshop will provide content on: strategy, techniques, tools, and tips to enter a short sell as well as use the market’s volatility, and normal price movements to maximize profits.
(Source: JSE)