US On Track For June 1 Default Without Debt Ceiling Hike
- The U.S. Treasury Department reiterated Monday that it expects to pay the U.S. government's bills only through June 1 without a debt limit increase, increasing pressure on congressional Republicans and the White House to reach a deal in the coming days.
- In her second letter to Congress in two weeks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen confirmed that the agency will be unlikely to meet all U.S. government payment obligations by early June, triggering the first-ever U.S. default. The debt ceiling could become binding by June 1, she said.
- The new date reflects further data on revenues and payments received since Yellen's told Congress on May 1 that the Treasury would likely run out of cash to pay government bills in early June, and potentially as early as June 1. It comes a day before U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to meet House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for talks, and ahead of an overseas trip for the President that starts Wednesday.
- Yellen has repeatedly warned that failure by Congress to raise the $31.4 trillion federal debt limit could spark a "constitutional crisis" and would unleash an "economic and financial catastrophe" for the U.S. and global economies.
- The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office last week said the United States faces a "significant risk" of defaulting on payment obligations within the first two weeks of June without a debt ceiling hike, with payment operations uncertain throughout May. Some analysts, including the Congressional Budget Office, have suggested that Treasury could last as long as August without a default if it can access June 15 quarterly tax payments and new borrowing measures that become available June 30.
(Source: Reuters)