FCIB to Delist from JSE

First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB) will be delisting from the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). The Bank was notified by the JSE in October that it was in breach of rule 402B (i)(b) of the JSE Rules. This means that the that FCIB's proportion of the listed ordinary shares held by persons other than the majority shareholder fell below the 20% of the listed ordinary shares as well as the average total traded volume for the 36 month period prior to the notice from the JSE was below 2%. After revision, the Bank has determined that it will not be feasible to raise these metrics to the minimum required by the JSE rules. As a consequence FCIB has decided that it will accept that it will be delisted by the JSE. FCIB will thereafter will advise shareholders of special arrangements to facilitate continued trading of their shares on the Barbados Stock Exchange.