Trinidad and Tobago: New Minimum Wage For Migrants Too
- Every worker in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), including undocumented migrants, must be paid the new minimum wage of $20.50 an hour, which took effect on January 1, 2024.
- This is according to a representative of the Ministry of Labour, who said employers failing to comply, regardless of the company's size, will be held liable for breaching the law.
- The increase in the minimum wage by $3 was announced in the national budget in October 2023 and enacted as law on December 28, 2023.
- Labour Inspector II, Paula Achaibar, said the new wage applies to any worker in Trinidad and Tobago. 'This is also applicable to our migrant population, now it matters not whether the person is here legally or illegally. That migrant worker is considered a worker and once you are a worker you are entitled to the same terms and conditions as a national simply because they are workers in Trinidad and Tobago,' she said.
- In addition, any worker, including a migrant worker, can report to the Labour Inspectorate Unit should their employer fail to pay the minimum wage.
(Source: Trinidad Express Newspaper)