Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Announces Rule Change
- The settlement period for local stocks and mutual funds will be reduced from three business days to two business days as a result of an amendment to the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Ltd (TTSE) Rules, the stock exchange has stated. This change is scheduled to take effect from April 15, 2024.
- According to the TTSE, the reason for implementing a T+2 settlement period is primarily because it is more in line with international best practices and standards.
- The TTSE said the change would improve liquidity, shorten the ex-condition trading period, and improve investor confidence.
- 'A shorter settlement period allows for quicker availability of funds/cash and securities, which can promote liquidity in the market. Increased liquidity can attract more investors/trading activity and potentially lead to better price discovery,' the TTSE stated
(Source: Trinidad Express Newspapers)