Grand Bahama Business Community Urged to “get in the game” and Seize Economic Opportunities
- Acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper has urged the Grand Bahamian business community to “get in the game” and not let economic opportunities pass them by, claiming that investor confidence in Grand Bahama has never been higher.
- Speaking at the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce’s (GBCC) annual installation of officer and directors banquet on Saturday, Cooper highlighted Carnival Cruise Line’s Celebration Key project, a $600Mn investment set to be the largest cruise project globally.
- “The projections are staggering; visitor arrivals in Grand Bahama are expected to exceed 1.4Mn by the end of 2025, reaching up to 4Mn annually by 2027. This not only represents a significant boost in tourism but also heralds a new era of job creation, revenue generation, and overall economic impact for our island. The investments don’t end there, and they are real. Real in tourism, but also real in the maritime and industrial sectors. Additionally, investor confidence in Grand Bahama has never been higher.”
- He urged the GBCC and its members to “engage, get in the game, and mobilize more organic, domestic investment.”
- “The revival of Grand Bahama’s economy must be a concerted effort, one that requires the hands-on engagement of the entire business community, in partnership with the government, GBPA, the Chamber, and all local stakeholders. Together, we have the power to encourage organic growth through Domestic Investments, drive sustainable economic growth to create opportunities for local entrepreneurship, and ensure that the benefits of the economic renaissance are widely shared and deeply rooted in the fabric of this community,” said Cooper.
- Finally, Cooper emphasised that the government fully expects Grand Bahama businesses to have the first crack at opportunities that become available and has also suggested that the cruise lines visiting Bahamian ports ought to temper the language in their onboard advisories.
(Source: Eye Witness News)