Tourism Minister Urges Increased Production to Meet Sector Demand
- As visitor arrivals continue to grow, the Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, is highlighting the need to increase the production of goods and supplies to meet the growing demand in the sector.
- He noted that while the demand for agricultural produce for manufactured goods is escalating, supply is an issue.
- He was speaking at the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Expo 2024, held recently at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, St. James.
- The Minister noted that last year, Jamaica welcomed four million tourists who spent approximately US$4 billion. Since the start of 2024, close to 1.5 million tourists have visited the island’s shores, generating foreign exchange earnings of almost US$2 billion.
- He highlighted that increasing local production is critical in enabling the country to retain a larger portion of the tourist dollar, ensure the sector’s sustainability and maximise economic benefits for the country.
- The Minister further emphasised that the country should start looking at the supply side and how it can bring more food, pots, pans, cans and kettles to be utilised in the service of tourism.
(Source: JIS)