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Oh, Vienna Published: 07 December 2018

(Bloomberg) The meeting of OPEC and its allies moved into its second day in Vienna after Russian resistance scuppered an output-cut deal yesterday. Today’s talks focus on curbing production by 1 million barrels a day, led by OPEC members to the tune of 650,000 barrels. So far, oil traders seem to be humming ‘this means nothing to me’ with Brent crude futures holding around $60 a barrel this morning while West Texas Intermediate languishes close to $51.

Huawei or another Published: 07 December 2018

(Bloomberg) The arrest of Huawei Technologies Co.’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, has thrown a spanner in the works for the prospect of improving relations between the U.S. and China. There is a debate raging in Beijing on whether the country should continue with trade talks, or see the move as part of a wider American campaign against China and retaliate accordingly. Either way, the U.S. is continuing to make things hard for companies and countries that threaten its global tech dominance. 

Canadian Mortgage Company Aims To Raise US$10m on JSE Published: 06 December 2018

EquityLine Mortgage Investments Corporation, a Canadian mortgage company that finances projects traditionally ignored by mortgagors, will seek to raise US$10 million in a preference share offer that opens in Kingston on December 10. The start-up company aims to list on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE), and subsequently, on the Toronto Stock Exchange.  The offer includes $5Mn of 8% preference shares at US$2 each, with an option to upsize the offer. On the overseas market, it will seek to raise an additional US$20 million. The funds will allow the company to acquire portfolios of mortgage assets worth nearly the value of the sums it raises from the market. Another overseas entity, MPC Clean Energy, is also making an offer in the local market which opened on Monday.

CAN$129m ‘profit’ for Alignvest Founders Published: 06 December 2018

EIGHT founders of Toronto-based Alignvest Acquisition II Corporation and certain other investors close to the company that proposes to buy out 100 percent of regional insurer Sagicor may receive CAN$129 million in profit as the holders of a special class of shares. At the close of its initial public offering (IPO) in May 2017, Alignvest issued a total of 12,887,500 Class B Shares for an aggregate price of C$25,785 or approximately C$0.002 per Class B Share. Some 86 percent of these shares, a total of 11,112,271 Class B shares, were issued to individuals described as the founders of Alignvest. (Trinidad Express) 

Oil prices slide 3% as OPEC is seen cutting output less than expected Published: 06 December 2018

(CNBC) OPEC is meeting at its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, with the aim of reaching an accord over production levels for the next six months. Saudi Arabia has been leading calls for the group to trim output, amid surging supply and fears that an economic slowdown will erode fuel demand. Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih told reporters on Thursday morning that a cut of 1 million barrels would be sufficient. That level is less than many analysts anticipated.

Treasury yields slide amid safe haven buying and worries of a curve inversion Published: 06 December 2018

(CNBC) U.S government debt prices rose on Thursday, with investors rattled by volatility in equity markets and anxiety around a potential yield curve inversion. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note sank to around 2.892 percent, while the yield on the 30-year Treasury bond dipped to 3.157 percent. Bond yields move inversely to prices. Yield curves typically slope upward, as investors expect higher returns as they take on more risk the longer amount of time it takes for a bond to reach its maturity. But recently the spread between the 2-year and 10-year yields has narrowed, while the spread between the 3-year and 5-year yields already inverted earlier this week. That’s a point of nervousness for investors as yield inversions tend to precede a recession.

Lasco Financial Services Limited (LASF) Responds to Article in the Gleaner ‘MoneyGram Woes’ Published: 30 November 2018

International remittance company MoneyGram has been fined in its home market for failing to crack down sufficiently on fraudulent money transfers within its global network, but Jamaican agent Lasco Financial Services Limited says there is no negative impact for the local operations. Through a press release on the JSE, Lasco Financial Services assured shareholders that the development is not a threat to MoneyGram’s ongoing business nor to Lasco Financial Services commercial activities. It further stated that since the original prosecution in 2012, MoneyGram has taken significant steps to improve their compliance programme and have remediated many of the issues which were originally detected.

(Source: JSE)


Fed's Kashkari says rates should not go up when job creation is strong and inflation is tame Published: 30 November 2018

At this point, the Fed should pause on interest rate increases, says Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari. Hiking rates too forcefully before necessary could risk causing a recession in the U.S. economy, Kashkari argues. Kashkari believes rates are "close to neutral," a level hotly debated ever since Fed chief Jerome Powell's controversial comments last month.

(Source: CNBC)

T&T could lose CARICOM market for fuel Published: 30 November 2018

T&T faces the possibility of losing CARICOM markets for the export of fuel as the price of fuel coming out of T&T is likely to increase. Minister of Energy Franklin Khan told the Senate yesterday that CARICOM countries now have the option of sourcing their products on the open market. He said Petrotrin still has the ability to supply small cargoes, including aviation fuel, to small CARICOM countries that gives it a strategic advantage. However, with a change in the business model and Petrotrin having to import products from outside of the CARICOM region, there is a possibility of increases in prices.

(Source: The Guardian)

Trump joins Canada and Mexico leaders to sign new trade pact Published: 30 November 2018

President Donald Trump joined the leaders of Canada and Mexico at a global meeting in Argentina on Friday to sign a revised North American trade pact that he called "ground-breaking" and a benefit for "working people. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is meant to replace the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has long denigrated as a "disaster". He appeared with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto at the Group of 20 nations summit in Buenos Aires for the formal signing ceremony. Each country's legislature must also approve the agreement.

(Source: CNBC)