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BNS acquires Scotia DBG Merchant Bank Published: 04 May 2010

The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited has advised that it has acquired Scotia DBG Merchant Bank Limited (SDBGMB) with the intention to eventually

consolidate SDBGMB into Scotiabank. This reorganization is aimed at improving efficiencies across Scotiabank Group through the removal of duplicate

products and services. An independent valuation of SDBGMB was conducted by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and this valuation was used as a basis to

determine the sale price of $879 million which was settled in cash.

GKL wins court case Published: 04 May 2010

GraceKennedy Limited has advised that the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Grace Kennedy Remittance Services Limited (GKRS) and software

developer, Paul Lowe, in the suit brought against them by Paymaster Limited (Paymaster).

NCB Group declares dividend Published: 26 April 2010

National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited has submitted its second quarter financial statements for the six months ended March 31, 2010. The Board of Directors has declared a dividend of sixty-one cents ($0.61) per stock unit payable on May 20, 2010 to stockholders on record as at May 7, 2010. The X-date is May 5, 2010.

Kingston Properties Ltd enters into a binding agreement to purchase residential condiminium space Published: 08 April 2010

Kingston Properties Limited had advised that it has entered into a binding agreement to purchase approximately 19 units or roughly 16,000 square feet of residential condominium space in the Loft II building located at 133 NE 2nd Avenue in downtown Miami, Florida . Each unit is tenanted with one year renewable lease term. The closing of the transaction for the units in the Miami Loft II building is expected to be completed by mid March, 2010.

GraceKennedy - To Delist from BSE & ECSE Published: 01 April 2010

GraceKennedy Limited (GK) has advised that a decision was taken to delist its stock from the Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) and Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) as of the close of business on June 30, 2010 (the effective Date).


Grace kennedy Limited declares Dividend Published: 01 April 2010

The Board of Directors of GraceKennedy Limited (GK) has declared a dividend of 50 cents per stock unit to be paid on May 27, 2010 to the stockholders on record as at May 3, 2010. ...