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Treasuries-Two-Year Yields Highest Since March 2020, Longer-Dated Yields Dip Published: 29 December 2021

  • Two-year Treasury yields hit almost two-year highs on Tuesday, following tepid demand for an auction of the notes on Monday, while longer-dated yields dipped but held within their recent ranges in light trading. 
  • Two-year note yields, which are highly sensitive to interest rate shifts, have risen to the highest since March 2020, with the Federal Reserve seen closer to raising rates as the U.S. economy rebounds from COVID-19 related shutdowns and inflation surges. 
  • A $56 billion auction of two-year notes on Monday saw soft demand, pricing at a high yield of 0.769%, around half a basis point above where they had traded before the sale. 
  • Longer-dated yields dipped slightly but held within their recent ranges before the Treasury is due to sell new intermediate-dated debt.

(Source: Yahoo Finance)

General Accident Receives “Good Creditworthiness” From CariCRIS Credit Ratings Published: 24 December 2021

  • General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited (GENAC) has been assigned initial issuer/corporate credit ratings by Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS). GENAC is the first standalone general insurance company in Jamaica that has been rated by CariCRIS. 
  • The ratings of jmA- (Foreign Currency Rating) and jmA (Local Currency Rating), on the CariCRIS Jamaica national rating scale, reflect GENAC’s good market position as a long-established player with strong brand equity in Jamaica’s general insurance industry. 
  • GENAC’s investment portfolio continues to display good returns and good liquidity, despite the impact of COVID-19, also factored into the rating. Furthermore, GENAC’s history of profitable operations and its strong Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework both support the ratings. 
  • The outlook on GENAC’s rating is stable, reflecting expectations that the company will continue to be profitable, maintaining all its key credit drivers including good capitalization and liquidity. As at September 2021, it had assets totaling J$9.1Bn, and over the last 5 years (2016-2020), its revenues and net profit have averaged J$8.7Bn and J$346.4Mn, respectively.

(Sources: JSE News)

27,357 Jamaicans to Receive Cash Grants Under COVID-19 Assistance Programme Published: 24 December 2021

  • Approximately 27,357 Jamaicans will receive a one-off $16,000 payment under the COVID – 19 Cash Assistance programme. 
  • The $155.0Mn cash transfer initiative, is aimed at aiding poor and needy persons, who are not benefiting from Government social assistance. This will in turn contribute to an improvement in private consumption and consequently, economic recovery. 
  • The United Nations World Food Programme, through the Canadian Government, provided a grant to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to undertake the initiative. The Ministry will oversee the equitable distribution of the funds. 
  • The cash distribution is being facilitated by WiPay (Jamaica) Limited, through its network of outlets across the island. Portfolio Minister, Hon. Karl Samuda, said that the use of WiPay will increase efficacy in the distribution of the funds and facilitate greater levels of accountability. He further added that it allows for greater flexibility and greater accountability because the system is one that makes provision for automatic audit.

(Sources: JIS News & NCBCM Research)

Mexico inflation lower than forecast, but core prices stir concern Published: 24 December 2021

  • Inflation in Mexico was lower than expected during the first half of December, data showed on Thursday, though core inflation exceeded forecasts, prompting a member of the Central Bank's board to voice concern about underlying price pressures. 
  • National statistics agency INEGI said inflation reached 7.45% in early December after averaging 7.37% in November, which was the highest rate in Mexico since early 2001. 
  • The core rate of inflation, which strips out some volatile items, hit 5.87%, above Reuters’ analysts' prediction of 5.70%. The initial Reuters consensus forecast for core inflation was 5.68% after the core rate had reached 5.67% in November.

 (Source: Reuters)

CariCRIS Maintains Barbados’ Credit Rating Published: 24 December 2021

  • CariCRIS has reaffirmed Barbados’ credit rating of CariBB for local currency and CariBB- for foreign currency, with a stable outlook. 
  • The stable outlook reflects the agency’s expectation of successful realignment of the home-grown Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme, which is aimed at reducing debt-to-GDP to 60% by 2035/36 and introducing more stringent fiscal planning and accountability. 
  • The ratings were also supported by several factors, including the fact that fiscal consolidation continues despite COVID-19 pressures and other unanticipated shocks, comfortable and growing foreign currency reserves, good financial sector stability indicators, and “strong tourism fundamentals suggest robust post-COVID-19 rebound potential”.

 (Source: CariCRIS)

Canada economy grows in October and November, seen outweighing Omicron woes Published: 24 December 2021

  • Canada's economy likely expanded for the sixth consecutive month in November, after matching expectations in October, official data showed on Thursday, implying the Bank of Canada will stay the course on interest rate hikes, despite the rise of the Omicron variant. 
  • Real gross domestic product rose 0.8% in October from September, in line with analyst estimates, while November GDP was most likely up 0.3%, according to Statistics Canada. It also revised up September's GDP gain to 0.2% from 0.1%. 
  • With November's rise, which is a preliminary estimate, Canada's economy is just 0.1% below pre-pandemic levels, Statscan said. The gains also imply fourth-quarter GDP will be stronger than Bank of Canada forecasts, analysts said.


China to roll out policies to help exporters amid economic headwinds Published: 24 December 2021

  • China will roll out more policies to help exporters and importers as foreign trade faces growing uncertainties, the official Xinhua news agency said on Thursday. 
  • China's surprisingly resilient trade performance this year has provided a crucial buffer to the slowing economy, but analysts expect exports to come under great pressure in coming months as the COVID-19 pandemic eases. Demand for Chinese goods is expected to fall as global lockdowns ease and people spend more on services. 
  • Authorities will step up the support to the trade sector, including implementing previously flagged tax and fee cuts and speeding up the export tax rebates, said the State Council. Premier Li Keqiang said in November that China is studying a new combination of tax and fee cuts to help small businesses.

(Source: Reuters)

iCreate Reports YTD Profit, Despite Contraction in Revenues Published: 23 December 2021

  • Owing to an increase in other income and lower admin and other expenses, iCreate reported a profit of $3.87Mn for the nine months ended September 30, 2021, versus a net loss of $2.26Mn in the previous corresponding period. 
  • The company was able to grow other income to $3.07Mn from $0.68Mn, which contributed to the improved fourth quarter. Also supporting the net profit performance was a decline in the company’s cost of sales (34.0%) and admin and other expenses (46.0%) as iCreate continues to benefit from its initiatives that include a re-alignment of the company’s cost structure. 
  • However, revenues contracted (32.5%) as the company was unable to conduct physical and hands-on training, which accounts for 60% of revenues, as it did in the past. Nevertheless, iCreate continues to find new ways to generate revenues, with the video production division delivering 27.9% of total revenues. iCreate’s video production division is newly launched and the company expects to continue to see growth in the division going into 2022 as the number of Internet-only platforms, such as streaming services, is likely to increase given high demand due to ongoing restrictions on gathering. 
  • iCreate’s stock price has appreciated by 45.8% since the start of the year and closed Wednesday’s trading session at $0.86 per share.

 (Sources: iCreate Financials & NCBCM Research)

JBG’s Net Profit Falls YoY, But the US Segment Grows Published: 23 December 2021

  • Given an increase in the cost of sales and indirect costs, JBG’s net profit declined by 14.7% to $882.14Mn (EPS: $0.88) for the six months ended October 30, 2021. Cost of sales grew 41.8% YoY, owing to increased input costs, which was partially mitigated by significant growth in the US business. JBG’s bottom line was also adversely impacted by growth in distribution cost (10.9%) and admin & general expenses (20.6%). 
  • The falloff in net profit was tempered by an increase in revenues (35.0%). The Jamaica Operations reported a 13.0% decline due to increased grain prices and international shipping costs, which increased production costs, all of which were not passed on to its customers. The US Operations reported a 71.0% increase in the segment results, primarily driven by the increased production and sales of the Best Dressed Chicken line of products. The operations have also seen an increase in the sales of feed and fertile eggs, reflecting the growth in the US economy. 
  • The operations in Haiti also showed improved results, with a segment loss of $8.6Mn, down from a prior year loss of $38.7Mn. However, revenues fell by 29%, as Haiti continues to experience economic and political instability, which continues to impact the operations in that country. 
  • JBG’s stock price has appreciated by 1.6% since the start of the year and closed Wednesday’s trading session at $29.94 per share. At this price the stock currently trades at a P/E of 24.3x which is above the main market distribution and manufacturing sector average of 15.9x.

 (Source: JBG Financials & NCBCM Research)

IDB to close the year with nearly $20Bn in new financing for Latin America, Caribbean Published: 23 December 2021

  • The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and its private-sector arm, IDB Invest, expect to close 2021 with $19.5Bn in new financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, as the agencies helped countries recover from the pandemic and usher in an era of sustainable and inclusive growth. 
  • The financing is the second-highest annual total in the history of the IDB and IDB Invest. It helps countries invest in priorities ranging from COVID-19-era healthcare and digitalisation to climate-change action, supply chains and education. 
  • The funding is also aimed at reducing gender inequality, expand entrepreneurial ecosystems, and empower small and mid-size companies, which account for over two-thirds of the Region’s jobs. 
  • The combination of IDB loan approvals ($14Bn) and expected IDB Invest financial commitments ($5.5Bn) and private-sector mobilisations ($2.8Bn) totalled $22.3Bn. Latin America and the Caribbean are the regions that were hit the hardest by the pandemic. Home to about 8% of the world’s population, it accounts for almost a third of all COVID-19 deaths – over 1.5 million people. The region also continues to face high inequality and serious economic and social challenges, the bank noted.

 (Source: IDB)