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Jamaica Teas’ Net Profit Down For The Nine Months Ended June 2020 Published: 13 August 2020

  • Despite a 39.9% (or $403.01Mn) increase in revenues, Jamaica Teas reported a 61.4% (or $135.20Mn) fall-off in net profit attributable to shareholders for the nine months ended June 2020 to $84.93Mn (EPS: $0.12). 
  • The main contributor to this performance was the $475.22Mn in other operating losses recorded for the review period, relative to the $206.92Mn other operating income recorded in the previous year. Additionally, the company’s bottom line was also affected by increased costs: cost of sales rose by 39.7% ($289.86Mn), total operating costs grew by 13.6% (or $24.67Mn), while finance costs climbed 51.4% (or $8.14Mn).
  • The stock has declined by 20.3% since the start of the calendar year. JAMT closed Wednesdays’ trading session at $5.00 and currently trades at a P/E of 14.7x earnings, which is below the Junior Market Manufacturing Sector Average of 22.1x.

(Source: JAM Teas Financials)

Large Majority To Buttress DLP Agenda, Despite Deep Recession In Dominica Published: 13 August 2020

  • The ruling Dominica Labour Party (DLP) will push a pro-business agenda in the coming months, in an effort to stimulate economic activity amid a COVID-induced recession.
  • Fitch Solutions does not expect the recession to impede policymaking, given that an election is not constitutionally mandated until December 2024, although the weak economic outlook is expected to dent popular support for the DLP in the short term.
  • Fitch Solutions has revised down Dominica’s score in the Short-Term Political Risk Index to 74.8 out of 100, from 75.2 previously, as the sharp recession increases risks to social stability.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)

Argentina Debt Deal Leaves Long-Term Challenges To Be Addressed Published: 13 August 2020

  • Fitch Solutions expects a renegotiation of Argentina's external debt obligations will provide near-term fiscal relief and lessen a major source of uncertainty.
  • However, it still faces the challenge of developing a credible macroeconomic plan in order to secure more assistance from the IMF and regain some level of affordable market access.
  • Moreover, Argentina's re-profiled debt could create a daunting challenge for future administrations that risks exacerbating its long-term financial struggles.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)

UK Economy Faces Long Climb Back To Health After Historic 20% Crash Published: 13 August 2020

  • Britain’s economy shrank by a record of 20.4% in the second quarter when the coronavirus lockdown was tightest, the most severe contraction reported by any major economy so far, with a wave of job losses set to hit later in 2020.
  • The data confirmed that the world’s sixth-biggest economy had entered a recession, with the low point coming in April when output was more than 25% below its pre-pandemic level. 

(Source: Reuters)

BOJ Paying Banks To Boost Pandemic Relief, Compensates For Negative Interest Rates Published: 13 August 2020

  • As the Bank of Japan tries to pump more funds to companies hit by the coronavirus pandemic, it is offering banks hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses, a move analysts say is aimed at easing the side-effects of its negative interest rate policy.
  • In March, as COVID-19 clobbered the global economy, the BOJ cobbled together special “coronavirus relief” operations to help keep cash-strapped companies afloat. Under the scheme, the BOJ lends cash to banks against their lending to the private sector, such as loans and bonds, as collateral.
  • Banks rushed to the plan, gobbling up 27 trillion yen ($250Bn) through the channel by July. That is roughly as much as the number of banks’ deposits on which the BOJ imposes negative interest rates.
  • Record bank lending in recent months suggests the BOJ’s plan is working — a rare success of late in its battle to revive the economy — but it is also a sign that policymakers’ focus is now more on supporting banks, rather than keeping rates low.

(Source: Reuters)

BPO Expert Says Jamaica Remains In An Advantageous Position Published: 12 August 2020

  • Jamaica remains in an advantageous position in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. The principal of Ryan Strategic Advisory (RSA), Peter Ryan, said for North American investors, Jamaica is an attractive option and will remain so going into the second half of this year and definitely 2021.
  • “I think that the efforts on the part of the trade association, the Government, as well as individual players working together, [are] truly paying off, and with such a focus on business continuity, certainly alongside that of quality and the ability to deliver quality interactions, Jamaica is certainly in a position of advantage,” he added.

(Source: JIS)

tTech Reports Reduction in Profit Published: 12 August 2020

  • Net profit at tTech Limited edged down 23.5% ($3.91Mn) for the six months ended June 30, 2020, despite growth in revenues and other income of 8.5% (or $13.36Mn) and 49.9% (or $2.56Mn), Net profit declined to $12.73Mn (EPS: 12¢) from $16.64Mn (EPS: 16¢) in the corresponding period of 2019.
  • The main contributor to this performance was a 55.0% (or $19.05Mn) growth in the cost of sales—to facilitate the increase in revenues—as well as a 6.2% ($5.78Mn) increase in administrative expenses. The company’s bottom line was also affected by the $1.21Mn in finance cost for the review period, relative to 2019 where there was no finance cost recorded.
  • The stock has fallen 8.3% since the start of the calendar year. tTech closed Tuesday’s trading session at $5.98 and currently trades at a P/E of 31.5x earnings which is above the Junior Market Average of 23.4x.

 (Source: tTech Financials)

Ruling PNM Holds On To Majority Following Close T&T Election Published: 12 August 2020

  • The ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) claimed victory in Trinidad and Tobago’s August 10 general election, after initial results showed the PNM winning 22 of the 41 seats in the House of Representatives.
  • The PNM, which had seen its public approval fall in recent quarters, likely benefitted from its relatively successful response to the Covid-19 pandemic, overshadowing the opposition United National Congress (UNC) campaign that largely criticized the PNM government’s record on economic development.
  • Following the election, Fitch Solutions has revised T&T’s score on the Short-Term Political Risk Index (SPTRI) up to 57.3 out of 100, from 55.7 previously. Also, since the PNM and Prime Minister Keith Rawley have a mandate for a five-year term, T&T’s score on the ‘policy continuity’ subcomponent has been raised from 58.8 out of 100 to 65.0.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)

Substantial Contraction In Sint Maarten In 2020 Will Exceed Recent Downturns Published: 12 August 2020

  • The Covid-19 pandemic will cause a historic contraction in Sint Maarten in 2020 as a collapse in tourism activity pushes unemployment higher and weighs on economic growth. 
  • While Fitch Solutions expects a global economic rebound will support domestic real GDP in 2021, a second wave of Covid-19 cases in North America that extends the economic downturn and blunts demand for overseas travel would threaten Sint Maarten's recovery.
  • Fitch Solutions has revised its 2020 real GDP growth forecast to -16.6% y-o-y, from -4.3% previously, as the scope of the global recession and minimal overseas travel will cause sharp downturns in many Caribbean markets. However, they forecast 7.4% growth in 2021, largely due to base effects in tourism.

(Source: Fitch Solutions)

U.S. Natural Gas Output & Demand To Fall Due To Coronavirus Lockdowns Published: 12 August 2020

  • U.S natural gas production and demand will drop in 2020 and 2021 from record highs last year as coronavirus lockdowns cut economic activity and energy prices, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Tuesday.
  • EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) projected dry gas production will drop to 88.65 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2020, and 84.02 bcfd in 2021 from the all-time high of 92.21 bcfd in 2019.
  • It also projected gas consumption would fall to 82.42 bcfd in 2020, and 78.71 bcfd in 2021, from a record 84.97 bcfd in 2019.

(Source: Reuters)