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Brazil Retail Climbs More Than Forecast With Economy Reopening Published: 09 July 2020

  • Brazil’s retail sales rose more than expected as commerce started reopening in May, although they remained well below last year’s levels as a raging coronavirus outbreak continues to weigh on consumption in Latin America’s largest economy.
  • Sales increased 13.9% from April, more than double what economists expected and the largest monthly jump in a series dating back to January 2000. From the prior year, sales dropped 7.2%, the national statistics agency reported on Wednesday.
  • The figures reflect the reopening of some stores as public authorities ease restrictions imposed during the pandemic and also the extremely low comparison basis of April.

(Source: Bloomberg)

Reduced Export Demand, Poor Private Consumption To Keep Barbados In Recession Published: 09 July 2020

  • Barbados’ economy will contract in 2020, as previous quarantine measures limit private consumption and a global recession reduces demand for Barbadian exports.
  • The persistence of global cases will impede the pace of a domestic recovery, despite the reopening of the local economy and resumption in tourism activity.
  • Fitch Solutions maintain its 2020 real GDP forecast for Barbados of -4.1% y-o-y, with risks weighted to the downside.

(Source: Fitch)

UK raises threshold on property purchase tax to boost housing market after COVID Published: 09 July 2020

  • Britain will raise the threshold of a tax on property purchases from 125,000 pounds to 500,000 pounds to boost activity in the housing market after the coronavirus lockdown, finance minister Rishi Sunak said on Wednesday.
  • “This will be a temporary cut running until 31st March 2021. And, as is always the case, these changes to stamp duty will take effect immediately,” Sunak told parliament during a statement on the outlook for the economy.
  • He said the average stamp duty bill will fall by 4,500 pounds, and nearly nine out of ten people buying a main home this year will pay no stamp duty at all.

 (Source: Reuters)

China's June producer prices fall 3.0% y/y, CPI +2.5% Published: 09 July 2020

  • China’s June factory gate prices fell in annual terms for the fifth consecutive month but at a slower-than-expected rate, official data showed on Thursday, reflecting recent signs of modest improvement in the manufacturing sector.
  • The Producer price index (PPI) in June fell 3.0% from a year earlier, China’s National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement, compared with a 3.2% fall tipped by a Reuters poll of analysts and a 3.7% decline in May.
  • The consumer price index rose 2.5% from a year earlier, statistics bureau data also showed, in line with a 2.5% rise tipped by a Reuters poll and slightly faster from 2.4% growth in May.

 (Source: CNBC)

Sharp Contraction In Exports Will Produce Deep Recession In Jamaica Published: 03 July 2020

  • Declining exports and private consumption will push Jamaica into a significant recession in 2020.
  • Fitch Solutions has revised down its 2020 real GDP growth forecast to -5.1% y-o-y, from -2.6% previously, as the Covid-19 pandemic halts tourism activity and exacerbates the contraction in bauxite production.
  • Risks remain to the downside as the global economic recovery could be derailed by a second wave of the coronavirus in H220.

(Source: Fitch)

ISP Reports a 34.1% Contraction in Q1 Profits Published: 03 July 2020

  • For the three months ended March 31, 2020, ISP Finance Services Limited reported a 34.1% (or $5.45Mn) contraction in net profits to $10.54Mn (EPS: $0.10) from $15.99Mn (EPS: $0.15) made in the previous year.
  • This performance was driven by a 2.0% (or $1.58Mn) decline in total operating income as well as a 5.4% (or $3.37Mn) increase in total operating expenses.
  • The stock has declined 62.9% since the start of the year and closed trading at $12.00 on Thursday. At this price ISP currently trades at a P/E of 70.6x earnings which is above the Junior Market Financial sector average of 31.2x earnings.

 (Source: ISP Financials)

Peruvian Sol Will Average Weaker As Short-Term Growth Outlook Worsens Published: 03 July 2020

  • It is expected that the Peruvian sol (PEN) will trade sideways in the coming months as a deep global recession and low copper prices cap the upside from improving investor risk sentiment.
  • In the longer term, the expectation is that the unit will return to a more modest rate of depreciation against the US dollar as a minimal real interest rate differential with the US and relatively expensive valuation offset higher copper prices and capital inflows.
  • Fitch revised its 2020 average forecast to PEN3.44/USD, from PEN3.40/USD previously, and its end-2020 FX forecast to PEN3.45/USD, from PEN3.40/USD, implying the sol will hold its value after depreciating 4.1% in the year to date. 

 (Source: Fitch)

BRAZIL INSIGHT: Debt Could Near 100% of GDP in Extended Slump Published: 03 July 2020

  • Brazil’s public debt reached a record-high of 80.8% of GDP in May. The bulging primary deficit, the effect of a weaker currency on the external debt, and the contraction in GDP largely outweigh the benefits of an exceptionally low-interest rate for debt dynamics.
  • The debt-to- GDP ratio is poised to rise even further in the coming months. The critical question is how and when the government will be able to fix the problem.
  • Bloomberg’s economists expect public debt to reach 91.7% of GDP by year-end. This reflects their forecast for a 6.4% contraction in the GDP, a primary deficit of 10% of GDP, and a rather benign assumption that the currency strengthens to 4.80 reais per U.S. dollar.
  • The primary deficit will rapidly rise from 3.9% of GDP in May to at least 10%at the end of the year, with most of the slump coming through August.

 (Source: Bloomberg)

U.S. manufacturing activity hits 14-month high Published: 03 July 2020

  • U.S manufacturing activity rebounded in June, hitting its highest level in more than a year as the broader economy reopened, but rising COVID-19 infections threaten the recovery.
  • The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its index of national factory activity jumped to a reading of 52.6 last month from 43.1 in May. That was the strongest since April 2019 and ended three straight months of contraction.
  • A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for 11% of the U.S. economy. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the index rising to 49.5 in June.

 (Source: Reuters)

Record jobs gain of 4.8 million in June smashes expectations; unemployment rate falls to 11.1% Published: 03 July 2020

  • Nonfarm payrolls soared by 4.8 million in June and the unemployment rate fell to 11.1% as the U.S. continued its reopening from the coronavirus pandemic, the Labor Department said Thursday.
  • The jobs growth marked a big leap from the 2.7 million in May, which was revised up by 190,000. The June total is easily the largest single-month gain in U.S. history. The numbers capture the move by all 50 states to get activity moving again after the virus seized up much of the U.S., particularly service-related industries.

 (Source: CNBC)