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Amazon Announced the Creation of Jobs in Costa Rica Published: 28 June 2019

  • On June 26, 2019,, Inc. announced the creation of 2,000 job openings. These positions will be based in Amazon’s dedicated centers in Costa Rica and will include specialist roles in areas such as customer service, technology, cloud services, finance, and accounting.
  • These specialist roles will support Amazon’s customers around the world and provide 24/7 world-class customer service in North and South America, Europe and Asia; in English, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Mandarin.
  • The 2,000 new jobs include virtual (work-from-home) positions to increases opportunities for those who live outside the Greater Metropolitan Area, President Alvarado said.
  • Costa Rica’s President, Carlos Alvarado, said he, along with the private sector, “continues working to reactivate the economy.”

 (Source: The Costa Rica Star)

Barbados: Significant Current Account Deficits in The Coming Years Published: 28 June 2019

  • Barbados will run wide current account deficits over the coming years as machinery and food imports outweigh service exports, principally from tourism.
  • Fitch expects stable foreign direct investment inflows and support from multilateral lenders to provide stability to support Barbados' external account.
  • Fitch Solutions forecasts that Barbados will maintain a significant current account deficit of 3.4% of GDP in 2019 and 3.5% of GDP in 2020, following a deficit of 3.5% in 2018.

 (Source: Fitch)

Xi Fires Shots at U.S. Before Trump Meet, Without Mentioning Him Published: 28 June 2019

  • In conversations with other leaders ahead of his sit down with the U.S. president on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan, Xi spared no opportunity to paint the U.S. as the bad guy in China’s spiraling trade conflict, while avoiding the provocative step of naming Trump personally.
  • Xi took a not-so-subtle swipe at Trump’s policy slogan, "America first." Warning against "bullying practices," Xi said that “any attempt to put one’s own interests first and undermine others’ will not win any popularity.”
  • Xi then used remarks on the digital economy to call for a "fair and equitable market environment" and the "completeness and vitality of global supply chains."
  • It comes as Trump singles out Chinese tech giant Huawei, arguing its connections to the government mean it could allow Beijing to spy through its equipment, and urging countries to avoid the company while developing 5G networks.
  • Xi stated that he is opposed to protectionism as well as any "external” influence on the two countries’ relationship.

 (Source: Bloomberg)

Johnson Keeps Option of Suspending Parliament for No-Deal Brexit Published: 28 June 2019

  • Conservative Party leadership candidate Boris Johnson has kept open the option of suspending or proroguing, the U.K.’s Parliament in order to force through a no-deal Brexit.
  • The move would be highly controversial but Johnson says it would be “absolute folly” to tell the European Union that no-deal is completely off the agenda.
  • The woman he’s attempting to replace, Theresa May, has warned she may well vote to stop a hard Brexit scenario, so the opposition to such a move is strong.
  • All this in the face of slumping consumer confidence in Britain.

 (Source: Bloomberg)

Stakeholder Trust Identified as a Pivotal Economic Driver Published: 27 June 2019

  • Engendering greater stakeholder trust across the public and private sectors to drive efficient service delivery is deemed pivotal in any thrust to secure higher levels of sustainable economic growth.
  • This is the view of American bestselling author, Stephen Covey, who was speaking during the 37th Annual Caribbean Conference of Accountants, held recently at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.
  • Mr. Covey noted data from a study of 41 countries which he said shows that territories with the greatest levels of trust had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) per-capita incomes, and better economic performances.                                                                       
  • He also pointed out that in a “high-trust” culture, “persons are 32 times more likely to take a responsible risk, leading to innovation”.

 (Source: JIS

Moody's affirms Trinidad & Tobago's Ba1 ratings; maintains stable outlook Published: 27 June 2019

  • On June 26, 2019, Moody's Investor Service affirmed the Government of Trinidad & Tobago's Ba1 long-term issuer and senior unsecured debt rating while maintaining a stable outlook.
  • The affirmation of this Ba1 rating is supported by the sovereign’s sizeable fiscal buffers that were balanced against an elevated debt ratio relative to peers; its economic recovery which has been driven by the energy sector; and the low susceptibility to external financing risks given its high reserve coverage of external debt payments.
  • Moody’s stable outlook for the country has been maintained as a result of the expected balanced risks to the rating: on the upside, prospects of a sustained increase in oil and gas production would materially improve medium-term growth prospects, on the downside, institutional constraints continue to limit policy execution and the country's fiscal profile remains vulnerable to future commodity price shocks.
  • Moody’s could adjust the rating upwards if there is a reduction in government debt ratios; improved fiscal performance (particularly if supported by non-energy-related government revenue); and improved tax collection. Progress in institutional and economic reforms that increase competitiveness and the economy's shock-absorption capacity would also likely result in a higher rating.
  • However, the rating could be downgraded if government debt ratios deteriorate, or if a weakening of the balance-of-payments position increases external vulnerability risks.

(Source: Moody’s Investors Services)

Trinidad Petroleum Holdings 'BB' Ratings Affirmed and Off Watch Negative On Lower Liquidity Risks, Outlook Stable Published: 27 June 2019

  • Trinidad and Tobago-based oil company, Trinidad Petroleum Holdings (TPH), has secured the funds to meet the upcoming principal payment on its $850Mn notes due August 25th and reduced its concentration of maturities for the next 12 months.
  • The company raised the funds with a combination of a $570Mn bond exchange due 2026 and a $603Mn bank loan.
  • As a result, on June 26, 2019, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'BB' ratings on the company. S&P will also be removing the ratings from CreditWatch with negative implications. S&P assigned a stable outlook, due to the new debt structure and it is expected that the company will repay or refinance upcoming financial liabilities.

 (Source: S&P Global Ratings)

Fed Is Headed for Two Quarter-Point Rate Cuts This Year: Survey Published: 27 June 2019

  • Economists now expect the Fed to cut interest rates multiple times this year -- coming round to the view held by investors, though they haven’t gotten all the way there yet.
  • Respondents to a June 20-24 survey said they expected Fed officials will cut rates by a quarter-percentage point in September, and again in December.
  • Before last week’s meeting of the Federal Open Markets Committee, a similar survey found the economists expecting just one quarter-point cut.
  • Economists remain more cautious in their assessments of what the Fed will do than investors, who are betting that the easing cycle will start in July and amount to about three-quarters of a percentage point by year-end.
  • Based on median responses, the economists saw a 50% probability of the U.S. and China agreeing at this week’s G-20 meeting in Osaka to resume trade talks. The odds of a more positive or more negative outcome were almost evenly split.

 (Source: Bloomberg)

Trump Asks India to Reverse ‘Unacceptable’ Tariffs on US Goods Published: 27 June 2019

  • President Donald Trump called on India to withdraw an “unacceptable” increase in tariffs on US goods, ratcheting up tension against the Asian nation before a planned meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • “India, for years having put very high Tariffs against the US, just recently increased the Tariffs even further,” Trump said in a Twitter post, his first direct response to India’s move earlier this month to raise tariffs on a slew of products from walnuts to pulses.
  • The tariffs on almost 30 American products came in response to higher duties imposed by the U.S. and Trump’s move June 1 to end trade concessions on $6.3Bn of Indian goods.
  • Modi’s administration repeatedly deferred the move, originally announced in June last year, as it sought to relieve trade tensions through talks.
  • India levies an average tariff of 6.9% on imports, slightly higher than 6.0% in the U.S. and 6.1% in China, according to World Bank data as of 2017.

(Source: Bloomberg)

USAID Country Head Commends Establishment of Jamaica Social Stock Exchange Published: 26 June 2019

  • Country Head for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Jamaica, Jason Fraser, has hailed the newly established Jamaica Social Stock Exchange (JSSE) as an innovative mechanism to mobilize capital for the public good.
  • This, he noted, by contributing to the financial viability of the non-profit sector and social enterprises.
  • An initiative of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE), the JSSE was launched in January by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, and is designed to facilitate funding, through donations, for the activities of entities involved in the delivery of social programs to the society’s most vulnerable and marginalized citizens.

 (Source: JIS)